‘SNL’ Editorial Crew Ratify Deal To Avert Strike; Late-Night Show Will Go On With Inaugural Contract

The editorial crew of the popular late-night show Saturday Night Live (SNL) has ratified its first-ever union contract, putting an end to fears of a strike that could have disrupted the show's schedule. The decision was made unanimously by the 20-plus SNL editorial crew members, who voted in favor of accepting the deal.

This comes just five days after NBCUniversal and the Editors Guild reached a tentative agreement to avoid a potential strike on April 1. With this latest development, it appears that everything is now set for SNL to continue airing as usual.

The new contract represents a significant milestone for SNL's editorial crew, who had been seeking better working conditions and improved pay. According to sources familiar with the negotiations, some of their key demands included fair compensation for overtime work and improved healthcare benefits.

In light of these concerns, it is perhaps not surprising that there was such overwhelming support among SNL's editorial staff for unionizing and negotiating their own contract. Now that they have achieved this goal, they can look forward to greater job security and more equitable treatment in future.

For fans of SNL who were worried about how a potential strike might impact the show's programming schedule or quality, this news will come as a huge relief. With its talented cast and dedicated behind-the-scenes crew all on board and ready to go, viewers can expect more great comedy from one of America's most beloved TV shows.