Death Threat, White Powder Mailed to Manhattan D.A.'s Office Amid Trump Probe

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office received a package containing a death threat and white powder that was found on Friday as prosecutors continue their probe into former President Donald Trump.

According to reports, the package contained a letter threatening the life of Alvin Bragg and his family. In addition, there was also white powder within the package causing alarm among the staff members who came in contact with it.

The incident comes amidst an ongoing investigation by Bragg's office into potential criminal activity by former President Donald Trump. Although details about the investigation have not been disclosed yet, it is believed to be related to financial records from Trump's businesses.

Bragg has condemned this act of violence and vowed to continue the investigations despite these threats. He stated that "this type of behavior will not deter us from carrying out our duties as public servants."

The NYPD hazardous materials unit immediately responded to the scene and conducted tests on the substance which were found negative for any harmful chemicals.

This is not an isolated incident; several other high-profile individuals have received similar packages containing suspicious substances in recent years including politicians and journalists. These incidents are often considered acts of intimidation aimed at silencing or threatening those involved in high-stakes investigations or reporting.

As of now, no arrests have been made regarding this specific incident but authorities are investigating all leads while ensuring safety precautions for everyone involved in this case.

In conclusion, it remains unclear why someone would resort to such extreme measures as sending death threats along with suspicious substances through mail. However, it serves as a reminder that public officials engaged in controversial cases like these face grave dangers daily simply for doing their job.