'Dying to Ask' Podcast: The 5 People You Need to Know

In the latest episode of the popular podcast 'Dying to Ask,' host Jessica Lipowski interviews Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of Business Network International (BNI), about the five types of people you need in your life.

According to Dr. Misner, having a strong network is essential for success in both personal and professional endeavors. He breaks down the five types of people you should have in your network:

Dr. Misner emphasizes that it's not enough just to know these types of people; building meaningful relationships with them takes time and effort. He suggests attending networking events, joining professional organizations, volunteering, and reaching out via social media as potential ways to connect with individuals who fall into these categories.

Listeners were enthusiastic about this episode's content on social media platforms like Twitter where one user tweeted "Who knew there was so much thought behind building a strong network? Thankyou @jessicalipowski & @IvanMisner."

'Dying To Ask' podcast has been consistently providing its listeners with insightful conversations around topics such as mental health awareness month, living sustainably on earth day amongst others since its inception in 2018.