Gwyneth Paltrow Accused of Lying Under Oath During Ski Trial

Actress and GOOP founder, Gwyneth Paltrow, has been accused of lying under oath during her ongoing ski crash trial. Terry Sanderson is alleging that Paltrow skied recklessly, crashing into him and causing significant injury in 2016. He is seeking $300,000 in damages while she's seeking a symbolic $1 and compensation for her legal fees.

Paltrow gave her testimony on Friday afternoon at the Utah ski resort slopes where the incident occurred. She disputes Sanderson's version of events entirely and claims that he had skied into her back, causing the accident. According to Paltrow’s statement, she was skiing at a moderate pace when she heard a rustling sound behind her—next, two skis appeared between her own and felt the front of someone’s “large” body pressing into her back.

Under questioning from an attorney working for Sanderson, Paltrow remained calm yet firm as she repeatedly insisted on Sanderson being responsible for the accident. Despite this claim from the actress-turned-entrepreneur during cross-examination by Sanderson's counsel yesterday evening it became apparent that Ms.Platow may have lied under oath regarding certain aspects of what took place on those fateful slopes three years ago.

The trial continues with further testimonies expected to be heard soon.