23 Dead and 4 Missing in SE Tornado, Casualty Toll Expected to Rise

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency issued a warning on Saturday that the casualty toll from last night's tornado could go higher than the current count of 23 dead and four missing. The agency tweeted, "Unfortunately, these numbers are expected to change."

The devastating power of the tornado was captured in nine jaw-dropping photos that have been circulating online. The images show homes ripped apart, debris scattered across streets and fields, and trees uprooted.

Meanwhile, other parts of the Deep South were also dealing with damage from suspected twisters. Residents were digging out from under fallen trees and power lines as they assessed the extent of the destruction.

Emergency responders are working tirelessly to locate any missing individuals while providing aid to those impacted by the storm. Governor Tate Reeves has declared a state of emergency for affected areas.

As residents begin to pick up the pieces after this tragedy, our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones or experienced significant property damage. We will continue following this story as details emerge about how communities are responding in their time of need.