After the success of its first episode, fans of the American comedy-drama series "Lucky Hank" are eagerly waiting for the release of episode 2. The show, created by Paul Lieberstein and Aaron Zelman, premiered its first episode on March 19, 2023.
The premiere received rave reviews from viewers and critics alike, with many praising the show's unique blend of humor and drama. However, fans were left wondering when they could expect to see the second installment.
According to sources close to AMC, the network that airs "Lucky Hank," no official release date has been announced yet. However, rumors suggest that it may air sometime in May or June this year.
Fans have taken to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to express their excitement about episode 2's release. Many are looking forward to seeing what happens next in the story arc and how their favorite characters will develop throughout the season.
One fan tweeted: "I can't wait for Lucky Hank Episode 2! I've been counting down since I finished watching Episode 1!"
Another fan posted: "I need more Lucky Hank in my life! When is Episode 2 coming out?!"
While there is still no word on an exact release date for Lucky Hank Episode 2, one thing is certain - fans won't want to miss a single moment of this thrilling new series.
Stay tuned for updates on where you can watch Lucky Hank Episode 2 as soon as they become available.