Trump criticized for violent rhetoric against Manhattan DA’s office

President Donald Trump is facing criticism yet again, this time for his remarks directed towards the Manhattan District Attorney's office. The President took to Twitter over the weekend and called the district attorney's team "corrupt" and "criminals."

Several politicians have since spoken out against Trump's comments, with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo describing them as "inappropriate and dangerous." Cuomo added that such rhetoric puts public officials at risk of physical harm.

The Manhattan DA's office has not responded to the President's tweets directly but released a statement emphasizing their commitment to upholding justice in all cases regardless of political pressure or influence.

This is not the first time that Trump has made inflammatory statements on social media, but it draws particular concern given recent events regarding violence against public officials.

In a heartwarming story, a basketball referee reunited with the player who saved his life after he suffered from a sudden cardiac arrest during a game last year.

According to reports, referee John Smith was officiating an amateur game when he collapsed on court due to cardiac arrest. His life was saved by 17-year-old player Alex Johnson who performed CPR until paramedics arrived.

After several months of recovery and rehabilitation, Smith returned to officiate another game where he met Johnson once again. The two embraced each other in an emotional reunion before proceeding to work together as part of the same team.

Speaking about their reunion, Smith stated how grateful he was for Johnson's quick thinking which ultimately led him back onto his feet. He also emphasized how important it is for everyone involved in sports games always to be prepared for emergencies such as these.

The inspiring story serves as an excellent reminder of how critical basic training can be in saving lives during medical emergencies outside hospitals' immediate vicinity.