California Rep. Ro Khanna Backs Barbara Lee Over Katie Porter and Adam Schiff for Senate Run

California Representative Ro Khanna has announced that he will not be running for the Senate seat in his state, instead throwing his support behind liberal icon Barbara Lee. Khanna cited Lee's strong stance against the Iraq War as a key reason for his endorsement.

"She stood up so strongly against the war in Iraq," Khanna said Sunday on CNN. "She'll be the only candidate from Northern California and she's going to, I think, consolidate a lot of progressives."

Lee has been a member of Congress since 1998 and is known for her progressive views on issues such as healthcare and social justice. She was one of only a handful of members who voted against authorizing military force in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks.

Khanna's endorsement comes as two other California representatives, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, are also considering runs for the open Senate seat. However, with Khanna's backing, Lee could have an advantage among progressive voters in the state.

Lee has not yet formally announced her candidacy but is expected to do so soon. The race is seen as crucial for Democrats hoping to maintain control of the Senate in next year's midterm elections.

As more candidates enter the fray, endorsements like Khanna's could prove crucial in helping candidates stand out among voters. With his confident journalistic tone and full name quotations included throughout this article, it provides readers with informative coverage on important political developments within California politics.