Elon Musk Losing Sleep Over Tesla's Production Issues

Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, is reportedly losing sleep over the company's production issues. While he has recently been in the headlines for his comments on Twitter and cryptocurrency, it appears that Tesla's struggles are weighing heavily on him.

According to sources close to Musk, the CEO is particularly concerned about the production of Tesla's Model 3 vehicles. The company has faced numerous setbacks in its efforts to ramp up production of this key model.

The Model 3 was supposed to be a game-changer for Tesla. It was designed as a more affordable option for consumers looking to purchase an electric vehicle. However, delays in production have led to frustration among customers and investors alike.

Musk has publicly acknowledged these challenges and promised that the company will overcome them. But behind closed doors, sources say he is working tirelessly to find solutions.

One issue that has plagued Tesla is its reliance on automation in its manufacturing process. The company initially touted this approach as a way to increase efficiency and reduce costs. However, it has become clear that automating too much too soon can lead to significant problems.

In recent months, Tesla has made changes at its factory in Fremont, California in an attempt to address these issues. The company has also brought on additional staff and shifted some manufacturing processes from Germany back to the United States.

Despite these efforts, there are still concerns about whether or not Tesla will be able meet demand for the Model 3 while maintaining quality standards.

Investors will be closely watching when Tesla reports earnings later this month. They will be looking for signs that the company is making progress toward resolving its production challenges and improving profitability.

For now though, it seems clear that Elon Musk’s focus remains squarely on getting things right at Tesla - even if it means losing sleep over it.