Fargo Resident Calls for Restoration of Night Sky in the City

Fargo resident Patrick Sommer has written a letter calling for the restoration of the night sky in Fargo-Moorhead. In his letter, Sommer expresses concern about how electric lighting has turned our world into 24/7 daylight and made it difficult to see stars at night.

According to Sommer, even nearby Buffalo River State Park is affected by light pollution, with the Milky Way barely visible from there. He also points out that it's impossible to see any stars from inside Fargo itself.

Sommer argues that this loss of access to natural darkness is not only detrimental to stargazing enthusiasts but also harmful to wildlife and human health. He cites studies showing that excessive artificial lighting disrupts ecosystems and can cause sleep disorders in humans.

To address these issues, Sommer suggests implementing measures such as using shields on streetlights or reducing their intensity during certain hours. Additionally, he calls for educating people about light pollution's effects on their environment and health.

Restoring access to natural darkness would be beneficial not just for star-gazers but also for preserving our environment and promoting healthier living conditions, according to Sommer. His letter encourages local authorities and residents alike to take action toward restoring a dark sky above Fargo-Moorhead once again.