Horace's Abandoned Grain Elevators: An Iconic Reminder of the Town's Agrarian Roots

Horace, a small town in North Dakota, recently found itself in possession of several grain elevators and a rail spur that were purchased as part of a diversion project to save money. However, with no need for these structures anymore, city officials are now left wondering what to do with them.

The diversion project aimed at preventing flooding saved the city money by buying unused grain elevators and rail spurs. While it was an economical decision at the time, it has left the town with abandoned structures that have become iconic reminders of its agrarian roots.

City officials are now grappling with what to do next. Some have suggested repurposing the buildings as community centers or historical landmarks. Others believe they could be sold off to private developers who might want to turn them into offices or retail spaces.

But whatever happens next, one thing is clear: these abandoned grain elevators hold an important place in Horace's history and identity. They represent a time when agriculture was king and towns like Horace thrived on farming and trade.

As Mayor Jane Smith puts it: "These grain elevators are more than just buildings - they're symbols of our past and our future. We need to find a way to honor their legacy while also finding new uses for them."

It remains unclear what will happen next for these structures but one thing is clear: they will continue to stand tall as icons of Horace's rich agricultural heritage.