Keller @ Large: Rep. Katherine Clark says U.S. "way behind" on child care

In an exclusive interview with WBZ-TV political analyst Jon Keller, Representative Katherine Clark expressed her concerns over the lack of progress in child care legislation.

Clark, who is the second ranking Democrat in the U.S. House and hails from Massachusetts, remarked that the United States is "way behind" when it comes to providing adequate childcare for families across the country.

She stated that while there had been some progress made towards improving access to childcare during the pandemic, more needs to be done on a national level to ensure that all families have access to affordable and high-quality options.

Clark also discussed how stalled legislation has hampered efforts to improve child care services throughout the country. She highlighted how this issue disproportionately affects women and working parents who struggle with balancing work and family responsibilities.

The congresswoman emphasized that investing in quality childcare would not only benefit individual families but also strengthen our economy as a whole by supporting working parents' participation in the workforce.

"I think we have really missed an opportunity here," said Clark. "If we want our economy to recover fully, if we want it to be robust moving forward, then we have got to make these investments."

As conversations about infrastructure continue at both state and national levels, Clark hopes that lawmakers will prioritize funding for accessible child care options as part of any comprehensive plan.

Overall, Clark's message was clear: The United States must prioritize improving its approach towards childcare if it wants a thriving economy that supports working families now and into the future.