NYC Bill Bans Size Discrimination, Making Height and Weight a Protected Class

New York City is set to take a major step in the fight against size discrimination with the introduction of a new bill that would make height and weight a protected class. The proposed legislation aims to outlaw discrimination based on a person's weight or height in areas such as jobs, housing, and public accommodations.

The bill has garnered support from activists who argue that size discrimination is just as harmful as other forms of prejudice. They claim that it can impact people's mental health, job prospects, and overall quality of life.

According to Councilman Mark Levine, one of the sponsors of this bill: "Discrimination based on someone's body size is simply unacceptable. It's time for New York City to lead by example and show that everyone should be treated equally regardless of their physical appearance."

If passed into law, New York City will join Michigan and San Francisco which have already made similar moves towards protecting individuals from discrimination based on their size.

Opponents argue that such legislation could lead to frivolous lawsuits or limit employers' ability to hire candidates who are physically fit for certain roles.

However supporters say this kind of protection can help individuals feel more confident about their bodies while also promoting greater inclusivity throughout society.

The passage of this bill in New York City could serve as an important milestone in the ongoing battle against sizeism not just within America but worldwide.