Ro Khanna Endorses 'Progressive Leader' Barbara Lee for California Senate Race

Congressman Ro Khanna has announced that he will not run for U.S. Senate in the 2024 race to replace retiring Sen. Dianne Feinstein, but instead is endorsing Rep. Barbara Lee as the "progressive leader Californians need right now." Speaking on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, Khanna stated that his decision was based on his belief that serving as a progressive representative in the House of Representatives was the best fit for him.

"I'm honored to be co-chairing Barbara Lee's campaign for the Senate and endorsing her today," said Khanna. "We need a strong anti-war senator and she will play that role."

Khanna cited Lee's solid record as one of Congress' most outspoken champions of justice, emphasizing how she understands the issues facing young people today and knows it is our responsibility to protect our rights, democracy, and planet for future generations.

"There's a reason she's beloved by Gen Z," added Khanna.

Lee is up against two other Democrats representing California in the U.S. House of Representatives: Katie Porter and Adam Schiff.

Feinstein confirmed last month her plans to retire from her long-held position as Senator at age 89.

Khanna concluded with an important message about representation in government: "For far too long, our country's institutions have failed to reflect [the reality]. There is not currently a Black woman serving as a Democratic senator."