Protesters flood the streets of Israel after Netanyahu fires minister opposed to controversial reforms

Massive protests have erupted across Israel following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to fire his defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman. The move came after Lieberman publicly disagreed with Netanyahu's proposed judicial reforms that would limit the power of Israeli courts in overturning government decisions.

Netanyahu's proposal has been met with widespread criticism and sparked months of protests both in Israel and abroad. Many see it as an attempt by Netanyahu to consolidate power and undermine the country's democratic institutions.

Lieberman, who is known for his hawkish views on national security, had called for a halt on sweeping judicial reforms that he believed would weaken Israel's democracy. His firing has sparked outrage among opposition groups who see it as a blatant attempt by Netanyahu to silence dissenting voices within his own cabinet.

Protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv and other major cities across Israel, chanting slogans against what they see as an increasingly authoritarian government. "We will not be silenced," one protester told reporters. "Netanyahu cannot just fire anyone who disagrees with him."

The latest round of protests comes amid mounting pressure on Netanyahu over corruption allegations that have dogged him for months. Critics say that his proposed judicial reforms are an attempt to shield himself from prosecution by limiting the powers of Israeli courts.

Despite this, Netanyahu remains defiant and has vowed to push ahead with his controversial proposals. In a statement released following Lieberman's firing, he said: "We will not be deterred by these protests or any other form of opposition from doing what we believe is best for our country."

As tensions continue to rise in Israel over these contentious issues, many are watching closely to see how this political crisis will play out in the coming weeks and months ahead.