Protesters Take to the Streets of Israel as Netanyahu Fires Defense Minister Opposed to Controversial Reforms

Thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Israel in response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to fire his defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman. This comes after Lieberman called for a halt on sweeping judicial reforms proposed by Netanyahu.

The controversial reforms have sparked months of protests in Israel and abroad, with many claiming that they threaten the independence of the judiciary system. The changes would give politicians more control over appointments made within the legal system, including judges and prosecutors.

Lieberman has been a vocal opponent of these changes and had threatened to resign if they were implemented. However, his firing by Netanyahu has only served to fuel further anger amongst those opposed to the prime minister's proposals.

Protesters could be seen carrying signs reading "Save our democracy" and "Netanyahu is not above the law". Many have also taken issue with what they see as an attack on free speech, citing recent legislation passed by Netanyahu's government targeting NGOs critical of its policies.

Despite widespread opposition both at home and abroad, it remains unclear whether or not Netanyahu will push forward with his plans for judicial reform. With tensions running high in Israel, many are calling for calm and urging all sides involved in this dispute to engage in meaningful dialogue towards a peaceful resolution.