Gavin Newsom Tweets 1 Scathing Word About Kevin McCarthy's Mass Shooting Silence

Gavin Newsom Tweets 1 Scathing Word About Kevin McCarthy's Mass Shooting Silence

In the wake of yet another mass shooting in America, California's Democratic governor Gavin Newsom has taken to Twitter to call out Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for his silence on the issue.

A video of McCarthy offering condolences and prayers following the recent mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, drew a blistering response from Newsom. In a single scathing word tweeted in all caps, he wrote: "SILENCE."

Newsom's tweet comes as pressure mounts on lawmakers to take action on gun control measures amid an ongoing epidemic of gun violence in America. The Boulder shooting is just the latest tragic incident, coming less than a week after eight people were killed at three Atlanta-area spas.

While Democrats have been pushing for stricter gun laws for years, Republicans have largely resisted such efforts. Many conservative lawmakers offer thoughts and prayers after each new tragedy but are criticized by those who believe more needs to be done.

McCarthy has not responded publicly to Newsom's tweet at this time. However, it remains unclear whether this latest incident will spur any meaningful action on gun control or simply perpetuate the cycle of violence and political posturing that has become all too familiar in America today.

As debates over guns continue across the country with no clear solution in sight, one thing is certain: until real changes are made at both federal and state levels, these tragedies will likely continue unabated.