Manhattan DA Bragg Sues Rep. Jordan Over House Probe of Trump Investigation

Manhattan DA Bragg Sues Rep. Jordan Over House Probe of Trump Investigation

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has filed a federal lawsuit against Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, accusing him of attempting to interfere in his office's prosecution of former president Donald Trump by compelling current and former prosecutors to divulge information about the ongoing investigation.

In the suit, Bragg claims that Jordan's actions are politically motivated and part of a "transparent campaign to intimidate and attack" his office's work. The district attorney is asking the court to enjoin Jordan from interfering with his case by blocking elements of the congressional inquiry.

Bragg said in a statement: "This unprecedently brazen and unconstitutional attack on an ongoing investigation must be stopped so that we can continue our important work without political interference."

Jordan recently subpoenaed Mark Pomerantz, a former prosecutor who worked on the Trump investigation, and last week asked another employee to turn over personal emails regarding their hiring process. In response, Bragg has resisted efforts from Jordan to secure his testimony or access privileged material related to the case.

The district attorney argues that complying with these requests would violate rights protected under due process for those involved in the legal proceedings – including Trump himself. He further contends that allowing access could result in "imminent irreparable harm if secret and privileged material is compelled to be disclosed."

In light of these allegations, Bragg seeks judicial intervention aimed at preventing any further attempts by Rep. Jim Jordan or others associated with him from obtaining confidential information concerning this high-profile prosecution.

As yet there has been no immediate comment from Rep. Jim Jordan regarding these developments.

Meanwhile, crime rates have become another point of contention between both parties as they prepare for an upcoming hearing scheduled for Monday in Manhattan; during which time members affiliated with House Judiciary Committee plan on discussing what they allege are DA Braggs' “pro-crime, anti-victim” policies. However, Bragg's office continues to maintain that violent crime in Manhattan has dropped since he took office in January 2022.

As the legal battle unfolds between DA Alvin Bragg and Rep. Jim Jordan, it will be interesting to see how this federal lawsuit plays out and what impact it may have on both the Trump investigation and broader political landscape.