Jack Ma Returns to Teaching as Visiting Professor at University of Tokyo's Tokyo College

Jack Ma Returns to Teaching as Visiting Professor at University of Tokyo's Tokyo College

Jack Ma, the billionaire co-founder of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. who disappeared from public life in 2020, has taken up a teaching position in Japan. According to a profile page on the University of Tokyo’s website, Ma will conduct research and lectures at the institution's Tokyo College between May and October of this year.

Ma will focus his research and teachings on sustainable agriculture and food production, sharing his rich experience and pioneering knowledge on entrepreneurship, corporate management, and innovation. His term as a visiting professor starts on May 1st, marking his return to teaching after retiring from Alibaba in September 2019.

The appointment comes more than two years after Ma angered Chinese authorities with an October 2020 speech criticizing China's financial regulatory system and claiming that Chinese banks were operating with a "pawnshop" mentality. Since then, speculation about his whereabouts intensified as he remained out of the public eye for months.

In recent weeks however, Ma has begun resuming some public engagements; most notably returning to a school he founded in Hangzhou - his hometown in eastern China – back in March.

As part of the prestigious new role at Tokyo College – which is run by the University of Tokyo – China's best-known entrepreneur will be engaged until the end of October this year. The contract is renewable annually subject to agreement between both parties.

During his tenure at the college., Mr. Ma will not only advise on essential research themes but also deliver lectures regarding management strategies for start-ups looking to grow their businesses successfully within today’s competitive global markets..

Equally well known within Japanese business circles due largely because being close friends Masayoshi Son (founder CEO SoftBank Group Corp.), it remains likely that such renewed visibility could help further strengthen diplomatic ties between both nations moving forward into post-pandemic recovery phases worldwide