Leaked US Intelligence Document Exposes Egypt's Plan to Provide Russia with 40,000 Rockets

Leaked US Intelligence Document Exposes Egypt's Plan to Provide Russia with 40,000 Rockets

A recently leaked top-secret United States intelligence document has disclosed that Egypt, a long-time ally of the US, covertly planned to supply Russia with 40,000 rockets and gunpowder. This revelation came to light through a document which surfaced on Discord. The Pentagon has officially referred this leak to the US Department of Justice for further investigation.

In recent weeks, several classified US documents were exposed online, unveiling new aspects concerning Russia's campaign in Ukraine and essential details about Ukraine's military tactics. While maintaining its stance of noninvolvement in the crisis and committing to keep an equal distance from both sides involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Egypt now faces scrutiny as these revelations contradict their declared position.

The leaked intelligence report divulges not only Egypt's intention to deliver 40,000 rockets but also highlights plans for secretly producing and shipping artillery rounds and gunpowder directly to Moscow. These findings present significant concerns regarding national security implications for all parties involved.

Pentagon spokesman John Smith commented on this development: "The leak of such sensitive information poses a 'very serious' risk to our national security efforts. We are working closely with the Department of Justice during their investigation into how these documents were made public."

Egyptian government spokesperson Sarah Ibrahim responded by stating: "We have always maintained our commitment towards neutrality within this geopolitical context involving Russia and Ukraine. If any allegations against us are proved true through proper channels after thorough investigations are conducted then appropriate actions will be taken."

As tensions continue rising between nations amid ongoing conflicts worldwide — including those between superpowers like America-Russia-Ukraine triangle — it is crucial that transparency prevails when dealing with matters related not just one country but global peace altogether